The purpose of these Rules & regulations is:
- to help foster good discipline in each and every student completing schooling,
- to facilitate the inculcation of good citizenship values, along with religious and cultural values,
- to aid the schools in fostering respectability, productivity, knowledge, skills, and instill good health in students
While children are in school the teacher is ‘in loco parentis’. Our discipline policy rests on the encouragement of respect and consideration for the feelings of others. School rules are carefully explained to the children so that they fully understand why they are necessary.
We aim to develop self-discipline within our pupils. Punishment (when necessary and/or appropriate) usually takes the form of withdrawal of privileges or free time. Good behavior is rewarded with a smile, words of praise, stickers, and certificates.
Parental Partnership
We want to work in partnership with all our parents believing that it is important that parents and staff work together to promote good behavior throughout the school and implement the Behaviour Policy consistently.
We want our school to be a place where people treat each other with kindness and respect and where children especially feel safe and secure. We would ask therefore that no adults or parents behave in a threatening or verbally abusive manner to anyone within the school premises.
Parents Concerns
We hope that your child will be happy and successful in school. Should you have any concerns about your child’s education or welfare please discuss these with your child’s class teacher. In summary, it is split into four stages:
Stage 1 Discuss your concern with your child’s class teacher
Stage 2 Should the problem not be resolved, talk to the Headteacher.
Stage 3 If there is still no resolution of the concern; write to the Chair of Governors.
Stage 4 Make a formal complaint to the Chair of Governors. A panel of Governors will hear the complaint and make a decision.
School Council
The school encourages responsibility in its pupils and we have a School Council that promotes decision making and involvement in school life.
School Attendance
As detail given in school almanac.
School Uniform and Dress Code
- Every student should attend school and other places representing the school wearing the school uniform. This will not be followed in cases where the school has arranged activities that do not require the normal uniform
- Jewelry is not permitted in school except for a necklace/chain that is normally worn by girls. This necklace/chain should not be displayed with the school uniform.
- Boys are not permitted any form of jewelry with or without the uniform. It is the responsibility of the parent to see the student adheres to, this regulation.
- Hair, of every student, must be kept clean and neat.
- Nails should be cut short and clean.
- Dying and coloring of hair and applying hair gel are not permitted.
- Protection of School Properties and Rights of Other Students
- Students are not allowed to harm any student, property and/or building inside or outside the school. Getting involved with others in such destructive behavior is prohibited
- Students are not permitted to take or use other student’s belonging without their prior permission
- If a student does harm to another student, person, school property and building, the full responsibility of the action and damage has to be taken by that particular student and his/her parents/guardians.
The School is committed to a policy of inclusion but accepts that if relationships break down between home and school, or if the behavior is damaging the effectiveness of teaching and learning, then exclusion will be considered. Children can be excluded/ Expel from school on a temporary or permanent basis on below criteria:
- persistent inappropriate behavior;
- the behavior of patents relating to a specific incident.
- parents behave in a threatening or verbally abusive manner to anyone within the school premises.
Note: Taking action against children who breaches these rules and regulations
- Action should be taken in accordance with the regulations imposed by the Ministry of Education. These include:
- Giving advice and recording the problem
- Suspending from sports and other activities according to the school policy
- Keeping children after school and completing a task (appropriate for students) given by the school.
- Informing the parent and reminding the parent of their duty
- Suspending the student for a limited time
- Warning about expelling the student from school
- Expelling the student from school
NB: Details of the punishment, specific to the breach will be in the school behavioral policy that will be compiled by the school.